Interactive digital books can help engage the readers and provide them with a rather enjoyable learning experience. Here’s how you can come up with one:
1. Integrate text-to-speech features
With more and more people getting inclined towards interactive resources and media, the concept of digital books or interactive eBooks such as e-journals and online read along books is gaining massive popularity.
Incorporate sound effects, background audio, and audio narrations into your eBook. Use the read-aloud feature to out to visually-impaired readers, non-native speakers, and persons with various reach learning disabilities, making it easier for them to access and read your content.
2. Integrate links to your resources
Add additional information or links to relevant resources to help the readers better understand those sections of your digital magazine or online course material which they might not easily comprehend otherwise. Incorporating tutorials and listing resources and including relevant news articles can be of great help too.
3. Focus on typography
The use of overly stylish fonts can drastically increase the difficulty level of readers. So, instead, use simple, standard fonts, which will not only make your content legible but also help boost the readership of your ebook.
4. Include media-rich content
Media-rich content can work wonders for your eBook, just like it does for digital comic books, which often contain a strong graphic display and vibrant text formats.
Nowadays, people are looking forward to getting a rather interactive reading experience with very limited time at hand. And, in addition to interactive eBooks, more and more readers are opting to read an interactive magazine rather than a physical copy of an article or a blog.
Read on to learn more about whether or not you should go for online magazine publishing and turn your blog into an interactive magazine.
1. Content is king
Of course, you have all the content you need to create a perfect blog and as a blogger, you share the content frequently for your target audience. Just like the blogs, eMagazines are also creating the buzz. The only difference is that the blogs are posted at a scheduled time and eMagazines are released, providing all the content at once.
If you have all the content ready with you, you can easily leverage it for a digital magazine. eMagazines are even better than blogs as you don’t have to create different posts on a regular basis. You only need to produce one single copy of the content and use it to build an interactive magazine for your reading audience.
2. Multimedia
Using images and other interactive elements can make your content more interactive and engaging. With a responsive design at your disposal, you can include as many images, infographics, videos, and other interactive media as you like. This greatly helps in generating reader interest and engagement. Magazines can enhance a user’s reading experience by synchronizing the images or interactive elements with the text.
3. Expanding your readership
You can easily expand your reach by transforming your blogs into a full-fledged e-magazine. This won’t be a hassle at all. You can take the help of an expert to transform Flash content to HTML5 and make things work in your favor. Additionally, your audience will be interested to know all about your new and improved design and would want to stay and follow you more for a better reading experience.
4. Change is good
If you are tired of using WordPress, you can always look for other options available in the market. With a plethora of blogging platforms available at your disposal, you can easily decide on a suitable one based on your preferences. With the latest developments in technology, more and more people are getting inclined towards various digital platforms to read something of their interest.
It is time for you to adopt a new design and start an online magazine that doesn’t limit the design and enhances the user experience.
5. Workload
Blogging, without a doubt, is a full-time job involving complete conviction. It can allow you to earn well while working from home. As a blogger, you might have managed everything single-handedly to put out unique and engaging content. But, as the concept of interactive magazines is gaining popularity, it becomes imperative that you lay focus on converting your blog content into an engaging and interactive digital magazine. Also, blogging can, at times, be a hectic affair. And no wonder the workload is overwhelming. So, in order to scale back your work and still manage to get more engagement and readership, online magazine publishing is a viable thing to do.
Turning your blog into a full-fledged magazine can reduce your workload miraculously and bring in more engagement too! And who knows, you might get even more engagement with your new online magazine than your old blog space. Wouldn’t that be great!?
6. Create a lasting impact
You can enrich your portfolio with the transformation of your blog into an online magazine. This way you can easily impress your virtual network with a perfectly interactive magazine design and improve their reading experience to the core. This is also a perfect solution to move up the ladder in the digital publishing world.
7. Stay competitive
With a large number of bloggers present in the industry, it is important that you stay up-to-date and keep progressing with the dynamic changes in the environment. Converting your blogs into an interactive magazine employing cutting-edge designs will keep you ahead of your competition and will gradually increase the readership and user experience. Creating mobile-friendly e-magazines can help you target audiences that use mobile devices as well.
SunTec Digital specializes in delivering bespoke online magazine publishing services to meet the distinct needs of clients. We also offer digital rights management services to cater to the issue of data security. Get in touch with us at info@suntecdigital.com to take things forward.