Similar to EPUB3, EDUPUB has been designed to house the widest possible range of learning content required by providers and learners alike. While publishers may adopt either all the sections or only those that are most appropriate for their content, EDUPUB allows them to develop configurations that matches best with their unique business needs. Real- world use and wider adoption of this open standard will eventually lead to even more complex use cases of EDUPUB in the future. As of now, EDUPUB continues to evolve, ensuring the feasibility of an open standard for learning content across the globe.
By now you must be aware that EDUPUB is a collaboration of widely used and already existing standards. Hence, this makes you even closer to implementing it than you would have initially realized. As a matter of fact, various aspects of this open standard will indeed make your work easier, for it being open and interoperable, you no longer will have to invest in or maintain stacks of technology. In our earlier posts we discussed about EDUPUB benefits for various stakeholders and EDUPUB deliverables. Now let us shed some light on intended outcomes of EDUPUB for Education.
Equip EPUB 3 with all that is required for EDUCATIONAL content:
- Integrate all the existing IMS standards such as LTI, QTI and Caliper
- Provide for basic EPUB capabilities required for EDU such as discrete entities, annotations and widget API
- Build EDU-semantic-augmented profile of EPUB 3
- Facilitate quick implementation
- Enhance required capabilities with respect to interactivity, connectivity, complex information design and A11Y requirements
Global Utility
Different stakeholders have diverse needs with respect to:-
- Learning styles
- Styling and layout requirements
- Fixed v/s Reflowable layout
- Vertical v/s Horizontal layout
- Wide support for LMS integration
What’s Expected
From publisher
- Public support for EDUPUB Alliance objectives
- Pledge to produce high volumes of accessible and rich educational content in standard format
From Authoring Tools
- Tools that are user friendly and capable of supporting the structure while hiding complexity
- Easy output to valid industry standard formats like EDUPUB
From eReaders
Support for all EDUPUB requirements such as
- Rich Media
- Accessibility
- Interactivity
- MathML
The needs of learners and educators is continuously evolving, the digital textbook of the future will require seamless coordination across all channels to provide great learning experience to students.
Learning modules no longer come in the form of neatly stacked textbooks. These days both students as well as teachers are using a wide range of resources available at their disposal such as articles, books, quizzes and lot more. They need it online, offline and in collaboration, wherever they want across multiple devices and platforms. EDUPUB successfully bridges the gap and enables educational content to be widely available and exchanged across multiple platforms.
For More Information
For more information on EDUPUB, or conversion solutions related to EDUPUB interactive eBooks, write to us at info@suntecdigital.com and our experts will get back to you shortly.